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Meghan Zakoor

Das bin ich 


It’s nice to meet you.


My name is Meghan Zakoor and I was born in Toronto, Canada. I have been living in Germany for over 11 years now.


I am “Mama, Mommy, or Mom” to a vivacious 3 and a half year old daughter. When I am not running after my daughter, I’m also a native english speaking educator in the nursery (Ages 1.5 - 4 years old) in a bilingual Kindergarten (German / English) in Steglitz-Zehlendorf.


I am a strong believer in the works of Jesper Juul and Maria Montessori and have worked in institutions where these values drove all functions and behavior.


After continuing my education with a focus on Jesper Juul's values and with FamilyLab, I not only changed who I was as an educator, but also how I wanted to raise my daughter.


After discovering FenKid and its educational concepts, I recognized its importance and value for setting parents and their children on the right path for their future. It allows a safe setting for babies to explore and discover while building confidence in their parent(s) around strategies to support that exploration in a passive way.


This also leads to a deep nurturing of the child-parent bond. I derive a lot of my motivation from knowing that I can be part of this family-based process.


Seeing the world through the eyes of a child, their wonder and inquisitive nature has been an inspiration and source of great energy for me.

I look forward to creating lifelong memories with you and your family through enhancing your skills and confidence in this journey called parenting.

Mein Lieblingskinderlied?

If I could pick one childhood song that would describe me as a person, it would have to be my favourite: "If You’re Happy and You Know It!”

Wie kommst du im Alltag zur Ruhe?

Doing yoga, meditation, and being outdoors (especially in my garden) have always been a great personal source of rejuvenation. For me, creating this balance is truly a lifelong practice.

Was ist die größte Herausforderung in deinem Familienalltag?

Some people have asked me about the biggest challenge in my family life and I would have to say balance.

The balance between being a mom and my career so that at the end of the day I have enough energy left for both my daughter and myself.

Was ist deine schönste Kindheitserinnerung?

Looking back on my life, my favourite childhood memories were ones that involved my Nana Doris when we would be in the kitchen creating something delicious, often sweet, but definitely always full of LOVE.

Kontakt aufnehmen

Gritznerstraße 32

12163 Berlin

Tel: +49 (0) 151 403 222 77

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